To maintain any financial details and change logs that happen quite often when a construction project is in the planning process, BidArt allows the administrators and the pricing team captains to create and save versions of the projects at any given state of the project.
Usually when the bid submission time for the base bid and each alternate within the project is different, the administrators may need to take a backup of the work they have done before they send in the final amount as an estimate. A highly efficient and effective Contractor Business Management Software like BidArt can help streamline this process by providing a secure and organized platform for administrators to store and manage their work, ensuring easy access and retrieval when submitting bids.
This backup or saved version acts as a life saver in case when the need for restoring back to a particular state of project arises as then users don’t have to re-do the whole project.

Every single detail of the project from its name to pricing of each specification, pricing package assignment, project type, etc. gets saved into the version and the administrator or the pricing team captain can decide whenever they want to restore to a particular version of the project.