The cost-of-work summary is an administration level top of the line robust module of BidArt that acts as a higher-level view for the pricing team captain and the administrators. It uses high-end Signal-R technology to sync all scope sheets and shows sub-amounts and specifications in one place for each pricing package.
Administrators, the pricing team captain, and anyone with appropriate permissions within the project can edit the sub-amounts, add new specifications, and access respective scope sheets right from the cost-of-work summary sheet within this advanced Preconstruction Bidding software for construction cost estimation. This integration greatly eases the administrative processes.

Cost-of-work summary sheet can also be exported into a spreadsheet and just like the web version, the cost-of-work summary is classified into base bid, alternates and unit prices.
At BidArt, we understand that the working with hundreds of specifications under each pricing packages is a cumbersome task, for that reason, the cost-of-work summary in BidArt allows the users to expand/collapse the pricing packages so that the user can expand only those pricing packages on which they are working on now.
Cost-of-work syncs data back-and-forth between scope sheets and project summary to generate final estimated amounts for the base bid and all the alternates within the project.